The mornings are brisk and my thoughts immediately go to visions of warm bolillos, conchas or pan de muerto coming out of my oven. But in all honesty, I have been known to bake in the middle of summer just to satisfy my cravings for fresh pan dulce(sweet bread). I guess it would be different if there were a panaderia(bakery) near to purchase pan de muerto, conchas and bolillos. No such luck! But, that is a blessing in disguise. At least that is the way I see it.

No Panaderia In Small Town USA!
The lack of Mexican foods, snacks and baked goods has forced me to learn to develop my own recipes at home. In the long run, it is a good learning experience. Getting back to the day of the dead bread. Dia de los muertos is observed on October31st – November 2nd through out Mexico. In the evening of Oct. 31st, Dia de Los Angelitos, the souls of the departed children are invited to visit the colorful alters set up by family members. Favorite treats and toys are left on the alters for the departed children souls to be welcomed back.

Prepare one large loaf or 3 small loaves with this recipe.

Dia de Los Muertos Altar
Part of the small alter. This blog post includes pictures of pan de muerto I have baked for the past three years. Always learning something new. . The alters are typically filled with pictures, flowers, insense, candles, special paper decorations, water, fruits and nuts and the special bread. Each item having it’s own special significance. November 1st is Dia de los Muertos or Dia de los Difuntos. On November 2nd, the family make there way to the cemetery. They place special foods, pictures and momentos on the gravesite. Special music is often played to welcome the departed souls. The families celebrate, that on this day, they are reunited with their departed loved ones. #pandemuerto #diadelosmuertos #mexicantraditions

Don’t Wait For Dia De Los Muertos For Pan!
Don’t wait for day of the dead to prepare this tasty Mexican style sweet bread(pan dulce). This basic pan dulce recipe can be used for many of your favorites! Mix in fresh ground canela(cinnamon) and anise to add some spice to your bread. It’s perfect with hot coffee!

On occasion, I like to add fresh ground canela(cinnamon) and crushed anise seeds to my pan de muerto. It is not traditional, but I do enjoy the flavors.

I need to practice more on shaping the bones, but you get the idea.

Get Creative!
Pan de Muerto can be finished three ways. 1. You can simply brush with egg wash and bake. 2. You can brush with melted butter after it bakes and dust with granulated sugar 3. You can brush with egg wash and sprinkles with colored sugar crystals or sesame seeds before baking.

Chocolate Pan de Muerto? Why Not?

The bread is pan de muerto in a dark chocolate flavor! Use the dark chocolate conchas recipe on site to prepare pan de muerto.
For Mexican Hot Chocolate:
2 cinnamon sticks
2- (3.5 ounce) disc of Mexican Chocolate
1 1/2 -2 liters of milk or water
Heat milk or water with cinnamon sticks at medium heat until right before it comes to a boil. Add the chocolate and stir using a wooden spoon to break up the pieces. If possible, use a wooden molinillo to mix and froth the hot chocolate. Serve right away.

Pan de Muerto-Day of the Dead Bread
The Starter
- 1 1/2 tsps active dry yeast
- 1/2 c flour
- 1/2 cup warm water 110-115 degrees F
You Also Need
- 2 1/4 c bread flour
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 large eggs, plus 1 egg yolk at room temperature lightly beaten
- 2 tsps vanilla extract Variation: Add more flavor to your pan by mixing in 1 1/2 tsps cinnamon and 1 tsp and ground anise
- 2 tsps orange blossom water optional
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
- 3 teaspoons orange zest
You Will Also Need
- 1 large egg
- colored sugar crystals assorted, optional
- parchment paper
- Spray oil or shortening
- In a deep bowl, mix the ingredients for the starter. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 1 hour.
- When ready, to the stand mixer bowl combine the flour, sugar, salt, eggs, vanilla, orange blossom water, butter and orange zest. With the hook attachment, mix on medium/high speed for 5 minutes.
- You will need to knead the dough, scraping down the sides now and then until the dough comes together in the center of the bowl. Let the stand mixer knead for a good 10-12 minutes. In the end the dough will be a little sticky and it should be stretchable.
- Generously grease the palms of your hands with oil and transfer the dough to a greased bowl. Gently shape into a ball. Cover and let the dough proof in a warm spot for 90 minutes to 2 hours or until it has doubled in size.
- When ready, transfer the dough to a floured surface and knead for 2 minutes. Prep you baking sheet with parchment paper and a light spray of oil.
- Take 2/3 of the dough and shape into a round loaf. Place onto baking sheet. Use you hands to slightly flatten the loaf.
- Divide the remaining dough into three equal parts. Take one piece of dough and gently roll into a long cigar shape. spread your fingers as you roll and apply pressure to create the look of the bones. Repeat with second piece of dough. Apply these in a crisscross shape on top of the loaf. Shape the last piece of dough into an oval like shape to resemble a skull. Place in the middle and on top of the crisscross. Press gently to make sure every thing stays in place.
- Cover the loaf and let it proof for another 40-60 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. When ready, lightly whisk reserved egg. Brush the loaf with egg wash all around. If adding sesame seeds or coarse colored sugars, sprinkle them as soon as you apply the egg wash.
- Bake for 25-28 minutes or until golden brown. Internal temperature of bread should be at least 195 degrees.

Reader Interactions
[…] Bread for the Day of the Dead and Mexican Hot Chocolate […]
[…] Pan de Muerto(Day of the Dead Bread)- Mexican Chocolate […]
[…] Pan de Muerto – This is a semi sweet bread that is eaten on the second day of the holiday. The shapes of the bones and skull adorn the bread that is dusted with sugar. It also represents the soil. Find a recipe here: […]
Sonia, I have 3 questions:
*Where did you find the orange blossom water?
*Where did you find the spatula?? I NEED this!
* Finally, suggestions for a warm place so that the dough can rise. I have an electric stove, so it really doesn’t get very warm. What if I set the oven to a really low temp, & put the bowl in?
Thanks in advance!
The water I found at a specialty store here in New York. The spatula was a gift from a friend last year from William and Sonoma. I have an electric stove as well. I typically heat the oven to 200 degrees, then set my dough to proof on the stove top, rotating it every 30 minutes.